Rust-Oleum Injury Hazard Prompts Recall Of Aerosol Paint
A nationwide recall was recently announced involving Rust-Oleum Professional Bright Galvanizing Compound Spray used to protect metal surfaces from rust and corrosion. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the bottom of the pressurized container can detach unexpectedly, posing an injury hazard. There was at least one reported injury already.
The 20-ounce can is silver with a silver cap. Only those products with product number 7584838 and batch code H0304A are included in the recall according to the recall notice. The product number and batch code are printed on either the top or the bottom of the can. The label on the can states “Rust-Oleum,” “Professional” and “Bright Galvanizing Compound.”
After receiving at least 6 reports of the bottom of the can detaching, the CPSC advises that consumers should immediately stop using the recalled aerosol paint.

Injuries from Rust-Oleum Paint Can
If you were injured after the bottom of your Rust-Oleum paint detached, you should not throw it out or return it to the store or company. This may be evidence in a claim if you needed to make one. Rather, it is recommended that you take photographs of your injuries and the can to help preserve the evidence.
Damages from Rust-Oleum Paint Can Injury
If you were injured as a result of a rust oleum paint can, you may be entitled to significant monetary settlement to compensate you for your injuries. This may include money for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages and more. If you have a scar as a result of the paint can injury, you may also be entitled to compensation for future scar revision surgery or to pay you for any disfiguring injury you may have.
Florida Product Liability Claims
Under Florida's product liability law, Rust-Oleum should be strictly liable for any injury or damage caused by defective paint can. This means that as long as you're using the product as intended, you may be entitled to compensation for any damage as a result of your use of the product if the bottom of the can detaches. For more information, contact a product liability lawyer at the Law Offices in Jason Turchin today at 800-337-7755 for a free consultation.